Last meeting we decided that our next meeting would be at the end of April. Here is a Doodle based on Brenda's schedule and she will let you know the date that works best for everyone. https://doodle.com/poll/h7t8uutqgpee2gfw
Hi everyone,
Normally I would stay on as Chair of the BCOEL until we have our spring/summer meeting but I have to resign early due to a medical leave. It is nothing dire (hip replacement) but it means I'll be off for a while. Brenda is the Chair Elect and we just talked today and she has kindly agreed to take on the Chair's duties early.
Since Brenda is now Chair, we would like to ask for a volunteer for Chair Elect. For a list of duties see the following https://docs.google.com/document/d/10xQqvK2Q08uGab7_ny8NeYFx7ZBAKodgZg3l3U7…
Let me know if you have any problems viewing this document and let me know if you're interested in being the Chair Elect.
Debra Flewelling
Open Education Librarian
T 604.527.5190 F 604.527.5193
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See Martin's email below to more details on the classes and workshop he did at UFV (as I mentioned at our last meeting).
From: Martin Warkentin [mailto:Martin.Warkentin@ufv.ca]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2018 9:26 AM
To: Flewelling, Debra <flewellingd(a)douglascollege.ca>
Subject: Regrets on BCOER meeting
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the February 28th BCOER meeting, but I will pass along a couple of comments for possible discussion.
1. Wiki deactivation - Too bad, of course, but glad I didn't end up investing a lot of time in converting the OK open education libguide. One thought I had was re-purposing the wiki content into a Pressbooks publication. Everyone probably has some experience with the platform, its use seems to be increasing and therefore likely to be around for a while, and it has a number of export options that could keep the content shareable/resuable (though my memory on the specifics is fuzzy). Wondering what others think?
2. I have two lesson designs, content, and observations from my use that I hope will interest a few people in some 5R collaboration to produce some more polished and useful advocacy and teaching content.
The first is a Creative Commons workshop I did for an internal professional development day. After an overview of CC licenses, participants are given a series of exercises that involve figuring out how differently licensed content can be combined in an OER product, including a hypothetical sample of their own content with their preferred licenses assigned. Some treatment of Traditional Knowledge licenses is also covered.
The second is an attempt to integrate OER advocacy with a library research session for first-year research and writing course (English 105 here at UFV). This is my first stab at one of the goals of a working group (Lin, Shawnna, and I - can't remember how we articulated the goal). The classroom results were pretty good: the discussion resonated with the students and I seem to have persuaded the instructor to consider using OERs.
I am not going to be able to assemble and send out all the materials and further details before next week's meeting - and a lot is still in generally incomprehensible handwritten notes. But hopefully the above descriptions pique some interest.
Anyway, my schedule is opening up a bit in the next couple of months, so I have to get myself back in the BCOER loop.
Martin Warkentin
Copyright Librarian
University of the Fraser Valley
33844 King Road, Abbotsford, BC
Canada V2S 7M8
(604) 504-7441 Ext. 4460
I'm sending this to all because I'm not totally sure who is updating the website.
On this part of the website:
The recruitment and external engagement and PD names are still mixed up. I should be listed under PD. I know that we agreed that all members of the steering committee would be on one of these three working groups so other names must also be missing.
Working Groups
Website and Networked Tools
Caroline Daniels, Michel Castagné, Lucas Wright
Recruitment and External Engagement
Hope Power, Martin Warkentin
Professional Development and Advocacy
Debra Flewelling, Brenda Smith
These are the people listed on the steering committee - I don't think these names are all correct.
Steering Committee
* Lin Brander
* Caroline Daniels
* Hope Power
* Brenda Smith
* Martin Warkentin
* Erin Fields
* Karen Meijer-Kline
* Katherine Miller
* Leva Lee
* Lucas Wright
* Michel Castagné
* Rosario Passos
* Shawnna Parlongo