Hi all
I'm following up on an item that we discussed a few meetings ago at one of our steering committee teleconferences. You might recall Lindsay wanting us to get going on an OE event that we could all market together.
I've moved Lindsay's request forward and I've been working a bit with Amanda (who is on this list) and we have come up with an initial proposal for an all day Open Ed event on March 6, with another one on the Island possibly on the 8. March 6 potentially at KPU Richmond with an evening event at SFU Harbour Centre - just 11 quick sky train stops away!
We are having an initial brief meeting on Dec. 12 at 1 amongst a few people who are interested in planning the event. If you want me to add you to the list to participate on that call, let me know. But don't feel like you have to participate on the planning committee to be able to claim the event as your own and shamelessly market it.
Caroline Daniels, MLS
Systems, Web and Interlibrary Loan Librarian
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
t 604.599.3036 f 604.599.2532 e caroline.daniels(a)kpu.ca<mailto:firstname.lastname@kpu.ca>
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Caroline let me know that you were all OK with the BCLA proposal. I am going to submit it today. Amanda, Rosario, and Rajiv (tentative) have agreed to be on the panel. Does anyone from our group want to be the librarian on the panel or moderate? Or, do you have an idea for these two roles? I can put myself in for now if I don't hear from anyone right away and we can change it up if the proposal is accepted, so don't let the submission deadline stop you from putting your hand up if you are interested. I'll ask you for faculty suggestions later if Rajiv can't do it.
>From Open Educational Practices to Social Justice: Making the Leap
Open Education is about more than opening resources, it is also about opening pedagogy but what does that mean? What does open education have to do with social justice? Do we believe that education is about leveling the playing field and, at its best, addressing issues of injustice, privilege and exclusion? Are open education practices, at their core, about access, equity, innovation and creativity? If so, how is the open education movement embodying those values?
Join a panel to discuss the broad impact of open educational practices. How are these practices living up to their potential, and how are they failing to do so? Can open education help provide a more equitable future where a multitude of diverse voices are heard and respected? Librarians are key contributors in the open education movement as an extension of their historical roles to provide safe places of learning that are open and available to all; or, is that traditional role a myth? Let's discuss.
It looks like the best day and time for our next meeting is Thursday, Nov. 16th at 10:00 AM. Please connect via Blue Jeans with this link - https://bluejeans.com/6045275190
Proposal for BCLA conference and Festival of Learning will be on the agenda. Lin has suggested the following for the FOL:
Festival of Learning
Open and Private: Dichotomy or Roommates (who get along)
What should be open and what should be private? How do we encourage students to work in the open while keeping them safe in Cyberville? How do we help them develop their ability to make meaningful contributions to their disciplines and avoid having their privacy hacked? How do we encourage open practices and respect choices that people make for a myriad of reasons?
Talk to you next Thursday.
Debra Flewelling
Open Education & Emerging Technologies Librarian
Douglas College
Hi - here's the Doodle for our next BCOEL meeting - sorry it is so long - https://doodle.com/poll/dke2kwpwfz4ekir3
Debra Flewelling
Open Education & Emerging Technologies Librarian
Douglas College