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ACRL Presents Webcast - What We Talk About When We Talk About Open Access
Join ACRL for a free ACRL Presents webcast to kick-off Open Access Week. The webcast, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Open Access” will be held Wednesday, October 25, from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Central time. Open Access Week is an international event that celebrates the open movement. We work with colleagues to plan creative programs that spread awareness of open access. But what do we talk about when we talk about open access? How can we tailor our messages to communicate with a variety of audiences succinctly and persuasively? Join colleagues to reflect on our messages and see how peers have taught about openness. Free registration is now available. The webcast will be recorded and the archive will be shared after the live event.

Debra Flewelling
Open Education & Emerging Technologies Librarian
Douglas College
P 604.527.5190  F 604.527.5193