Hello friends and colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to BCIT’s seventh annual Non-Con event on the morning of June
3rd. As always, it will offer all the fun practical takeaway tips and networking opportunities of attending a conference, without the cost or need to travel.
This year’s theme is
“Looking forward towards the ‘After Times'*" (*we hope).
In the spirit of the hybrid world we find ourselves in, we are pleased to offer both an in-person and online experience. You are welcome to come for the coffee
and conversation at the BCIT library’s Burnaby campus or attend via Zoom. We hope to capture the best of the two environments this way – both to foster the rare networking opportunities of face to face and extend attendance to those beyond the lower mainland
as well. A full agenda will be sent out to participants closer to the date, but the timing would be
9:30-12:30 online with coffee for in-person participants at 9:00.
How do you know if the Non-Con is of interest to you?
If information and digital literacy, instruction and/or active learning, open education or teaching with technology are topics you are interested in, then this
Non-Con is for you! Academic and Public libraries, librarians and lib-techs are all welcome.
In the spirit of sharing and learning, we are asking everyone to prepare a short (5 min) talk on any of the following topics:
· a teaching
· a resource
you would recommend
· a technology
you have used in class
· an open
education project or practice
Really, we are interested in anything you want to share. We have all pivoted to an online learning/programing environment and back again, so maybe you have
a trick that has worked well for you from the ‘before’ times or a new trick that suits either environment.
We are also hoping to facilitate a roundtable discussion about how to maximize services and programming in a hybrid world moving forward.
The event is free but space is limited, so RSVP to this email soon, and please indicate whether you plan to attend in person or online.
Deadline is May 25th.
We hope you can join us!
Deirdre Grace, Jeff Verbeem, Lin Brander and Alison Griffin
BCIT Non-Con event organizers
Lin Brander|
Librarian, Electronics & Computer Systems; Open Education|British
Columbia Institute of Technology T
E lbrander@bcit.ca|