Hi all,


I wanted to forward on an event next week with BCcampus that SFU is hosting.  Please feel free to share with anyone you think would be interested in attending!


We are incredibly excited to be hosing Harper Friedman and Kaitlyn Zheng on April 6th from 11-12:30pm.

Please forward this to any and all community members from your institutions who you think might be interested in learning more about open textbook creation through PressBooks, and please come out and learn with us as well!  

Event Description:

In this webinar hosted by SFU Library, presenters from BCcampus will introduce Pressbooks and show you how to create and share open educational resources (OER) with students and fellow educators. Pressbooks is an online self-publishing tool available to all post-secondary faculty and staff in B.C. and the Yukon. Topics in this webinar include an introduction to Pressbooks, how to create an account, how to create a book in Pressbooks, and an overview of the Pressbooks editor. The webinar will also introduce such topics as creating math equations using MathJax, importing content, H5P, and sharing books in multiple formats.

Event tickets can be reserved via. Eventbrite at this link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/introduction-to-pressbooks-tickets-560710378837

 Hope to see some of you there,




Caja Blomley
Teaching and Learning Librarian
Simon Fraser University | W.A.C. Bennett Library
8888 University Dr., Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6