Hi all,


One of our faculty members is very interested in starting to use OERs after attending Robin DeRosa’s talk , but he doesn’t know whether they are available for his topics (see below). I will recommend BCCampus, since I saw some resources there that look relevant. Any other suggestions of places to look or specific resources you know of?





Ps. Please let me know if this list is not the right place to ask this J



I teach ENGQ (English qualifying) courses, especially the higher-end courses, 1099 (essay writing), 1089 (paragraph writing), 1091 (Gr. 12 equivalent), and 1092 (business writing).


I am also aware of the OER book:



I was wondering if you are aware of other OER resources that are specifically related to English writing upgrading skills, particularly essay-writing focused and sentence grammar skills related, but not too much geared toward a first- or second-year English level, as that might be beyond the scope of our curricula and student levels.


Thanks for any resources you can point me toward.