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Indigenous Knowledges and Open Education Edited Volume (Open Access)

Call for Chapter Proposals


The open education movement has provided a substantial improvement to the learning and research needs of students, faculty, and community members. This has been done through various barrier

free methods of publishing, and mitigates any financial strains that can occur. However, within the open access movement there needs to be careful consideration for Indigenous Knowledges, which are deeply rooted in community defined ethics and protocols, that do not fit into ordinary academic contexts. Many conversations around open education (OE) focus on a Eurocentric framework of copyright and intellectual property rights that are sometimes in tension with Indigenous knowledge systems, and the goal of this volume is to centre Indigenous ways of knowing, culture, experiences, and worldviews within the work of open education pedagogy and advocacy work. The publication target date is summer 2023.


The following provides detailed steps for submitting a chapter proposal to this open access edited volume. We encourage chapters (of 4000 to 6000 words, excluding references) that are authored

with diverse representation and scholarship (including student authors where possible), that reflect one of the following types of contributions:




We ask that the chapter proposals be submitted by email to donna.langille@ubc.ca, including the following elements by March 15, 2022: 


Required information for each contributor, in the correct authorship order and as you would like to see in print:


Please see the attached PDF for more information. 




Donna Langille 

Kayla Lar-Son

Tashia Kootenayoo

Naim Cardinal

Brad Wuetherick


Donna Langille, MISt (SheHerHers, TheyThemTheirs)
Community Engagement and Open Education Librarian
UBC Okanagan Library
The University of British Columbia | Okanagan Campus | Syilx Okanagan Nation Territory
Phone 250 807 9233
donna.langille@ubc.cahttp://library.ok.ubc.ca/ | https://open.ubc.ca/


Respectfully acknowledging that I am an uninvited visitor on the unceded territory of the Syilx peoples.


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