Hello everyone,


I’m forwarding a message about a call for proposals for an “Untextbook” project that some people here in British Columbia are working on re: critical and open approaches to design in supporting OER and OEP development. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Harrison (mharrison@tru.ca). They are a great bunch of people and it is an interesting project.





Open Education Librarian

Thompson Rivers University


From: Michelle Harrison <Mharrison@tru.ca>
Date: Tuesday, November 9, 2021 at 9:47 AM
To: Brenda Smith <Brsmith@tru.ca>
Subject: Call for proposals - OER Librarians group



On behalf of our research team, Irwin DeVries, Tannis Morgan, Michael Paskevicius and myself, I invite you to consider making a written or other media contribution to an open resource for learning design students and professionals to critically examine contemporary issues and practice in learning design. We are using a modified WordPress instance that has been designed with an invitation for ongoing evolution, extension, and reframing of the original content. Our hope is that students will continue to add to this resource as part of their coursework in a process of ongoing co-creation in a manner consistent with open licensing and pedagogy.


We are seeking textual contributions between 750-1500 words or video/audio contributions no longer than 15 minutes. Brief proposals are due by November 29.


The following topic areas are of particular interest:


-Designing for open platforms and tools


-Learning design in different settings (HE, corporate, public service, etc,)

-Leadership in learning design  

-Open pathways for learning – outcomes and frameworks

-Learning design from various worldviews

-Open pedagogies and practices

-Inclusive and/or Universal Designs for Learning

-Scale, space and place in digital design

-Data, surveillance and privacy


Full details of the call and important dates can be found on our website: https://rethinkld.opened.ca/2021/11/call-for-proposals/


Please reach out if you have any questions.


Michelle Harrison, PhD (she/her)

Senior Instructional Designer, Assistant Professor | Learning Design and Innovations Department

Thompson Rivers University Open Learning

mharrison@tru.ca  |  250-571-9756



The Kamloops campus of Thompson Rivers University is located on the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc territory within the unceded traditional lands of Secwepemcúl’ecw, where learning has taken place since time immemorial. I am grateful for the Secwepemc Nation’s generosity and hospitality while we live, learn and work in their territory.