Dear colleagues,

This message is sent on behalf of Anahita Rezaei, Open Education & Advocacy Specialist, Centrum Cyfrowe.


Open Education Policy Forum is coming back on September 15-16 for the sixth time (and online, too). We are looking forward to seeing you at the end of the summer to discuss the “Universe of Openness,” but today, we are excited to announce an Open Call for two key events that will be held during the Forum:

  • Lightning talks – presentation of the most inspiring Open Education initiatives from the time of the pandemic [September 15]. In the tradition of exchanging the best practices from Open Education, we’re seeking inspiring initiatives. Have you completed a project or started an inspirational initiative within OE Policy in the past year and are you willing to share it with the Open Education community? If so, we’re looking for you! You’ll have up to 7 minutes to present your project to the world.
  • Workshops for policy makers and OE activists [September 16]. In small groups of up to 15 participants, where every person can be heard and bring their unique perspective and experience, we want to talk about the future of Open Education. Our goal is to create realistic and achievable guidelines for the OE community in three areas:
    • Designing the future of open education policy based on know-how and good practices
    • New concepts & perspectives for the study on copyright for education
    • Open Education for Green & Climate Education

Key dates

Deadline for submission to lightning talks and workshops: August 15

Publication of results: August 17




About the Forum. Open Education Policy Forum is an international conference organised by Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation in cooperation with Communia Association, Hewlett Foundation, Intellectual Property Institute, OEGlobal, Otwarte Zasoby and SPARC Europe. Once a year, we bring together stakeholders (activists, researchers, teachers, policy makers) from around the world to exchange good practices and discuss challenges and opportunities faced by the Open Education community. We want to provide an opportunity for networking, exchange of knowledge and future collaborations.

“The Universe of Openness” – about the upcoming edition of the Forum. Open Education initiatives have been expanding extraordinarily since 2020. Resources, institutions and infrastructure built on the OE model provide resilience to educational systems at the beginning of remote education. The pandemic time has redefined “openness” in education. Now, with so many various projects in progress, we want to ask the following: how can the OE community maintain this growth? And how can we expand, explore and improve it in the upcoming future?


The conference will open with the premiere of a new pan-European study “Remote education during the pandemic: teachers perspective”  conducted by Centrum Cyfrowe Foundation and Communia Association. 


For more information, visit the Open Education Policy Forum 2021 website.


Best Regards, 



Anahita Rezaei (she/her) - Forum coordinator
Open Education & Advocacy Specialist

Fundacja Centrum Cyfrowe