Hello Everyone,

Here are the latest updates from BCcampus Open Education.

OpenEd updates

To improve the discoverability of open textbooks in the B.C. Open Textbook Collection, we have updated our collection's subject categories to be more comprehensive. This means a number of new categories and subcategories that better reflect the structure and content of the collection. We welcome you to explore the new categories and send us any feedback that you have. And we send a big thank you to the BCOEL who provided us with resources, guidance, and feedback.

Recent updates to the OER by Discipline Directory
We are looking for Subject Matter Experts (SME) from B.C. or other parts of Canada to review textbooks being considered for the B.C. Open Textbook Collection.  Contact bookreviews@bccampus.ca if you are interested.

Help us identify the gaps
Contact opentext@bccampus.ca if you would like to see open textbooks made available for specific subject areas in the B.C. Open Textbook Collection. In particular, we'd like to hear of topics in these areas: business, early childhood education (ECE), health, STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), and trades.

Best regards,
The BCcampus Open Ed team

Lauri Aesoph

Manager, Open Education
BCcampus | Learning.Doing.Leading.

Cell: 250-893-0258    Email: laesoph@bccampus.ca
Twitter: @lauriaesoph    Skype: lauri.aesoph    LinkedIn: lauri.aesoph
BCcampus.ca    @BCcampus    #BCcampus

I acknowledge that the land on which I work and live is the traditional territory of the Lkwungen-speaking people.