Dear friends-

We encourage you to nominate a peer and colleague at your Institution for Awards for Excellence in Open Education.

The Awards for Excellence in Open Education recognize outstanding contributions to the open education movement in British Columbia. These contributions may include significant leadership, OER development, research, or advocacy by faculty, students, support staff, or administrators at post-secondary institutions in B.C. or others that support the post-secondary system in B.C. Individuals or teams may be recognized.

Anyone may propose a nomination, but individuals may not self-nominate. Individual award nominations are made in writing via the online form (see below). The open education team at BCcampus adjudicates the award each month. Award winners will receive a certificate of recognition and be profiled on the BCcampus website.

Previous honourees include Grant PotterIrwin DeVriesTara RobertsonChristina HendricksTannis MorganInba Kehoe, Diane Purvey, and Maja Krzic.



Amanda Coolidge, MEd

Senior Manager of Open Education
BCcampus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
120-645 Fort Street | Coast and Straits Salish Territory | Victoria, B.C. | V8W1G2 | @BCcampus | #BCcampus

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