Hello OER Friends!

Are you looking for an amazing Open Education experience- one that will inform you on open pedagogy, open innovation, open textbooks AND enhance your own open educational practice?

...I'm assuming you are now nodding your head and thinking- YES, what is this experience you speak of?

That experience is the amazing Open Textbook Summit in Vancouver, B.C. May 24-25, 2017.

You can review the schedule here: https://bccampus.ca/otsummit-schedule/

...and register here: https://www.eply.com/OTSummit2017

Join us!
Any questions - you can send them directly my way: Amanda Coolidge (acoolidge@bccampus.ca)


Amanda Coolidge
Senior Manager, Open Education
BCcampus | connect.collaborate.innovate.
120- 645 Fort Street | Victoria BC V8W 1G2
Tel 250-818-4592 | www.bccampus.ca
Skype: coolidge.amanda
Twitter: @acoolidge